Gluten Free Vegan Pie Crust

Pie crust is one of those foods that I have a frustrating relationship with (as I'm sure many people do). I love cooking things without or with minimal oils just because I think my body functions better without them. However, pie crust is one of those things that will not let me get away with this, no matter how much I experiment (and I do a lot of experimenting...I almost never make a crust the same way twice). But eventually one must quite running around and commit to a relationship, no matter how stressful it may seem at the time, because in the end the more running around I do, the more heartbreak I will experience. There is some great dating advice involved in pie crust-take heed!

After all my experimenting I think it really comes down to several necessary ingredients: flour, oil, salt, and water. The beauty comes in getting to pick which flour, oil, and salt I want to use, so this is what I came up with


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Do you want to be energized? Do you want to fuel your body with rich and nutrient dense foods that your body loves? Yes? So do I! I've created this blog to document the different recipes I've created as well as share with you a peek into a Vegan lifestyle and the benefits that come with it. I started on the Vegan diet in October of 2012 and my life was immediately transformed! Before I started on the diet I was often very tired and consistently got sick every month. As soon as I changed my diet I became energized, stopped getting sick, and felt great! I want you to be able to experience the transformation that I felt or even just enjoy incorporating these nutrient rich foods into you normal diet.