Rice Stuffing Acorn Squash

October will be the first full month of fall and I am already feeling like it is winter outside! I have been spending my days curled up on the couch in sweat pants, sweatshirt, slippers, heater and occasionally a cup of tea. Yes, I am a wuss when it comes to the cold. Steven tells me to embrace it by going outside without a coat so that my body will adjust, what? I think I'd rather spend a cold day my way.

As with every other year, as you may have noticed, menus are beginning to change from the fresh summer fruits and vegetables to the more hearty soups and casseroles. I was just thinking the other day how very interesting it is that our bodies begin craving different things based on the weather. It isn't just that fresh produce is going out of season, because we have green houses and shipments of fresh produce coming into the stores from the warmer climates, but it is that as the weather turns cold our natural cravings tend towards "meatier" (excuse the term my dear vegan friends) meals. It is amazing how God has engineered us to respond to all situations and environments in life.

This recipe was inspired by my fall cravings for stuffing and a hearty gourd. It is simple and cheap to make and would be a great thing to serve to both vegan and none vegan guests. It is also really great to make if you have some fresh herbs that you want to use before the cold weather takes them away. I had some delicious oregano, rosemary, parsley and thyme that was excited to be able to use in this dish.

Rice Stuffing Acorn Squash 

Serves 2

1 acorn squash cut in half with seeds scooped out
1 cup Mexican red rice (or rice of your choice)
1 cup white rice
4 cups low sodium vegetable broth
1 sprig thyme
1 sprig oregano
1 sprig rosemary
4 sprigs of parsley
2 tbs sage
1/4 cup liquid aminos + extra to taste
1 yellow onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 rib of celery
dried cranberries *Optional
slivered almonds *Optional

1) Cover the bottom of a baking sheet or cake pan with water and place acorn squash halves on top with cut side face up. Pour water inside the halves as well to keep it moist.
2) Place the squash in the oven at 350 for one hour.
3) While the squash is cooking combine rice and vegetable broth in a pot and bring to a boil. Cook until the liquid is gone.
4) In a skillet combine all the other ingredients except for the two optional items and cook on medium heat until the onions and celery are soft.
5) Combine the onion mixture with the rice and add in extra aminos to your taste.
6) When the squash is soft when poked with a fork go ahead and take it out of the oven and fill each half with the rice stuffing. 

*Important Note: The amount of rice stuffing this recipe makes will actually fill 6 acorn squash halves. I made this much for two people because we love to eat the stuffing on it's own as well.


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Do you want to be energized? Do you want to fuel your body with rich and nutrient dense foods that your body loves? Yes? So do I! I've created this blog to document the different recipes I've created as well as share with you a peek into a Vegan lifestyle and the benefits that come with it. I started on the Vegan diet in October of 2012 and my life was immediately transformed! Before I started on the diet I was often very tired and consistently got sick every month. As soon as I changed my diet I became energized, stopped getting sick, and felt great! I want you to be able to experience the transformation that I felt or even just enjoy incorporating these nutrient rich foods into you normal diet.